Särk on valmistatud sertifitseeritud GOTS orgaanilisest puuvillast, mis tagab selle, et puuvill on mahedalt, sotsiaalselt vastutustundlikult ja keskkonda säästvalt kasvatatud. Lisaks on kogu töötlemise protsess naturaalne, mis välistab sünteetiliste materjalide kasutamise.
Taking care of the product
Pure Touch T-Shirts are machine washable, preferably to a temperature of up to 40℃.
Tumble drying is allowed.
The best way is it to hang products up to dry after machine washing.
The products can be ironed at high temperature with steam.
Merily –
Ostsin valge ja olen mega rahul. Soovitan kõigile
Anette –
Super t-särk! Särgi materjal on nii palju pehmem kui tava t-särkidel 🙂
Johnny –
Found this brand by accident but i am so happy i did. I bought 2 t-shirts – one white and one black and even though the price is a bit more than i would pay for a casual t-shirt i think it’s so worth it because of the material.