Cleaning and Care of Wood Furniture…the Healthy Way

When I was child, one of my favourite chores was strangely cleaning the wooden surfaces  with ‘Mr Sheen’ furniture polish. The excitement of seeing the release of the expanding foam and seeing the resulting beautiful gleam.

Over the years, I have become more wiser in cleaning and care wooden furniture. And found new ways of cleaning which is more eco-friendly and healthy; avoiding harmful chemicals. Here is my advice for dusting, cleaning and general tips for caring for wooden furniture in a healthy way.


It’s important to be dusting your furniture regularly, 3 times a week is my routine (I try my best). Frequent dusting removes airborne deposits that can build a transparent layer, which can damage the surface.

Best way is using a dry, clean, soft cloth or classic feather duster will effectively remove dust. Avoid using a cloth with a coursed surface which can scratch and damage the grain of the wood.

Keep the cloth damp to moist to avoid pushing the dust into the air, where could return to furniture surfaces.



Lacquered Finish

 Clean with an damp eco-friendly micro cloth. Appling pure water directly onto the cloth, so the wood is not too wet; which can reshape and damage the wood. This is perfect for sticky marks and light stains.

Then wipe dry and smooth with a dry micro cloth. Apply a toxin or chemical free furniture polish to give it extra shine and protection or even better use the eco-friendly homemade clean and shine formula.

Waxed Wood or French-Polished Finish

Clean with soft eco-friendly cloth. Making sure the cloth is no more than moisture to damp from a solution which involves natural sourced soapflakes. Dry thoroughly with a new soft cloth, making sure all part of the furniture is completely dry.

Apply a wax polish once or twice a year to maintain water-resistance layer and shine.

The Homemade Clean and Shine Formula

With extensive research and trial and error, I have found the best homemade eco-friendly cleaning and shine formula which has no harmful chemicals and works like a dream.

The Ratio

3 Table Spoons of White Vinegar

1 Table Spoon of Olive Oil

A light drizzle of Lemon Juice

Care Tips for Wooden Furniture


Avoid placing your furniture in direct sunlight, as sunlight causes fading.


Arrange furniture away from windows and radiators where possible.


Try and keep the room temperature at consistent temperature, extreme temperature can damage furniture.


Keep moving accessories and features on surfaces, to avoid marking the furniture. Also this great way to keep redesign the look of the room.


Use pads, matts and felt tips to protect the furniture surface from rough materials, heat and weighted items.


Clean up spills soon as possible! Using a dapping and massaging technique instead of wiping the solution into the surface.


Don’t drag items across surfaces, pick up and place into position.

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